How much sleep do YOU need to build muscle and lose fat?
I'm going to reveal the answer in this video - so LET'S GET STARTED!
Sleep is one of the most important, yet underrated functions of daily life…
And a lack of sleep can lead to many chronic health issues, including - in some rare cases
- even DEATH!
Lack of sleep will also make your journey to building muscle, and losing fat A LOT harder
than it needs to be...
But how much sleep do you REALLY need?
And is the quality of your sleep more important than the quantity?
Well, based on my own experience, and research - both the quality AND the quantity of your
sleep are equally important.
You've probably heard the phrase, " you can sleep when you're dead" before - and
that MAY be true to some extent…
BUT I'd make the argument that, if you DON'T sleep ENOUGH while you're alive...
You'll end up living like you're dead.
So, let's get right into my top tips for having the best quality of sleep possible:
Aim for at least 8 hours of quality sleep per night
In the book, "The Sleep Revolution", by Arianna Huffington, it states that…
40% of ALL Americans are sleep deprived.
Meaning that they get less than 6 hours of sleep per night, and those stats are pretty
similar all around the world.
Sleep deprivation has been linked to many different health challenges, some of which
include, brain damage, diabetes, inflammation, heart attacks, and cancers!
Lack of sleep is also correlated to weight gain… which carries its own set of health
issues, like slowing down your metabolism, increasing your glucose levels after eating,
And it also causes your body to produces more of the STRESS hormone called, "cortisol".
Cortisol is a hormone that you'd definitely want to keep under control, if your goal is
to lose stubborn belly fat, and also build muscle.
Lack of sleep will also hinder your bodies ability to recover after intense workouts,
and build muscle.
Aim for at least 8-9 hours of sleep per night - and you'll see your entire life improve,
including your bodies ability to lose fat, and build muscle!
So do yourself a favour, and starting NOW, make sleep a TOP PRIORITY in your life!
Set your bedroom up for sleep.
Most people's bedrooms aren't really set up to enjoy the benefits of quality sleep.
However, by simply modifying the following things, you'll drastically improve your
potential for quality sleeps - night after night.
Firstly, you should always make sure to TURN OFF THE LIGHTS.
Light is a trigger in the sleep-wake homeostasis, and when the lights are turned OFF, the body
naturally secrets MELATONIN, which helps us fall asleep faster.
That's why some people even take melatonin as a supplement before bedtime.
However, LIGHT (Especially BLUE light), from electronics, from light fixtures in your room,
or even light that creeps in from a door, or window - can interrupt or suppress this process.
In addition to darkening the room - based on research, the temperature of the room is
also critical to the quality of your sleep.
Research suggests that the ideal temperature for sleep, is 65 degrees Fahrenheit, which
is just above 18 Degrees Celsius.
Too hot, or too cold, and your sleep is gonna be disrupted.
Also, the type and quality of your mattress will also play an important role in how well
you sleep.
Which leads me to my next tip…
Invest in a healthy, high-quality mattress
The truth is, most mattresses available on the market today, are big pieces of junk.
And if that wasn't enough, the majority of them are also made from cheap and unhealthy
These materials release unhealthy Volatile Organic Compounds, which are usually referred
to as off-gassing.
And unfortunately, most people aren't even aware of this!
So, when it comes to choosing the right mattress - you'll want to choose one that's not
only comfortable, and made from high-quality, and dense materials…
But one that's also healthy for you to sleep on every night.
Watch my NEXT video to find out what type of mattress I personally use, and recommend…
Things you shouldn't eat before bed
Limiting, or cutting out sugar from your diet is always a wise decision - and I'd recommend
doing that either way - but it will also help you sleep better.
In addition, you shouldn't consume any caffeine, or alcohol for at least 6 hours before you
sleep, (and maybe even longer if you're very sensitive to it) - or else you'll have
trouble falling asleep, and more importantly, staying asleep!
Alcohol might help you pass out sooner, but it eventually DISRUPTS your sleep, and the
sugar content in alcohol doesn't help either - so it's best to be avoided.
It's also recommended not to eat or drink anything at least 1-2 hours before bed,
as you don't want to wake up to in the middle of the night to go to the washroom.
Exercise your way to a better body, and sleep.
Exercising on a regular basis is proven to help your body get a good night's sleep…
And a good sleep also helps the body recover after workouts - so it's a win-win situation.
Certain types of workouts also help your body produce endorphins, which is like a natural
relaxation drug, and will surely help you fall asleep like a baby.
It may take several weeks of this for the benefits to transfer, so STAY consistent - and
you will surely reap the rewards.
De-stress at least 30 minutes to an hour before bed
My final tip for sleeping like a baby...
Is to make TIME each night to wind down, and relax your body and mind.
Forget about all the STUFF that happened that day, and just do things that ease your mind.
Incorporate relaxing rituals like meditation before you sleep.
Things like smelling lavender, or drinking lavender tea before bed can be helpful too.
Practice falling asleep with gratitude every night.
And find peace with the silence of your thoughts…
Just Like Chakra the Fitness GURU does.
Ommmm. Ommmmm.
Ohh. Chakra's here. How are you today?
I'll share some of my favourite products that help me destress before bed in the next video.
Hope you enjoyed the video, and learned a few things that can help you sleep better.
If you did, you'll definitely want to watch the next video, where I recommend my favourite
products that help me improve my sleep on a daily basis...
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And as I always like to say…
"A life worth living, is a life worth improving!"
Sleep well my friends...
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